For individuals and change makers
Virtual program for individuals and change makers

Ignite your leadership potential and embrace the change you wish to see.
Your path to a sustainable tomorrow starts here.
Welcome to your journey of sustainability leadership where we invite you to shift your mindset, redefine your learning, and transform your goals alongside a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.
If you are a change activator, yearning for sustainable ways to thrive on this planet, and if you're fuelled by curiosity and open to the wonders of learning, unlearning, living, working, leading, and conducting business, then this virtual program is for you.
Why choose Sustainable Shift?
The Sustainable Shift Leadership Program is a transformative leadership development experience, specially crafted to empower individuals to lead with a focus on sustainability and ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) principles.

Inner development for outer change
We recognise that true sustainability leadership starts from within. We help you develop a sustainability mindset that extends to the broader systems in which your organisation operates, leading to transformative change.

Lead with sustainable impact
Sustainable Shift helps you understand how to integrate sustainability into your business strategy, leading to improved financial performance and brand reputation.

Leave a positive legacy
Sustainable Shift is designed to support you to become a sustainability leader in your organisation or industry. We provide you with the tools and knowledge to make a positive impact on the planet while achieving your business goals.
Our approach is distinctive, intertwining experiential learning, personal reflection, and skill-building exercises to equip you with the mindset, knowledge, and capabilities essential for driving lasting change towards sustainability and responsible business practices.
We invite you to become a part of this community, one designed to fortify your sustainability leadership practices, ignite new insights, and amplify your capacity.
Together, let's embark on a journey to be the change we wish to see in the world. Welcome to the Sustainable Shift Leadership Program.
Who is the program for?
The Sustainable Shift Leadership Program is for visionary individuals with a passion for positive change, seeking to sharpen their leadership skills and deepen their impact in the ESG space.
Whether you are a senior leader, a dedicated manager in operational or functional roles, or a change maker committed to sustainability, our program is your pathway to becoming a champion of sustainable transformation.
This journey is for you, if you aim to:
Embrace sustainability leadership principles and integrate them into your daily life and work.
Harness the power of inner development and sustainability leadership tools to catalyse transformative shifts within organisations, start-ups, or teams.
Expand your network of sustainability change-makers, joining fellow seekers in the quest for unlearning and learning.
The Sustainable Shift Leadership Program is not just for those in traditional leadership roles. It's for individuals from all walks of life who share a common commitment to igniting sustainable change within their spheres of influence.
Program elements

Learning outcomes
Upon completing the Sustainable Shift Leadership Program, you will be able to:
Develop a deep awareness of your values, beliefs, and leadership style and how these impact sustainability efforts.
Understand the core concepts of sustainability, ESG, and their critical significance in today's business landscape.
Identify and analyse sustainability opportunities and challenges within our specific organisational contexts.
Lead and inspire teams and stakeholders towards sustainable practices and positive social impact.
Implement practical strategies for widespread adoption of sustainability and ESG principles across your organisation.
Foster collaboration and engagement across diverse stakeholder groups to cultivate systemic change.
Continuously adapt and innovate sustainability initiatives in response to evolving environmental, social, and governance issues.